Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Me, a blogger??

Ok, so a blog is a new idea for me.  I always think of blogging as more for teenage girls or young, newly marrieds.  And I'm not really all that verbal of a person, don't feel the need to talk a lot, and mostly I'm content to to think, pray, and generally be introspective.  I find that if I express myself to my husband (who is my very best friend in all the world) and the occasional girl friend, I am happy.

So why should I blog at all?  Actually, as "non-verbal" as I tend to be, I think I really have something to say.  I have a goal for this blog.  The reason it is called "Breezes" is because that's what I want it to feel like when someone reads it.  I want it to be a fresh word of encouragement, an inspiration, a word of wisdom inspired by the scriptures, that will feel like a refreshing summer breeze on a warm day.

Maybe I'll blog about my personal life (highly questionable) and tell funny stories about my girls (they will especially appreciate that), or maybe I won't--haven't quite decided yet.  But this I do know...God has been very, very good to me, and I know He wants to be good to you too.  And I want to share what I have learned and know with the hope that it will bless you as it blesses me. :)

I can't wait to see where this goes.  I have felt for several months that God wanted me to start this blog, but I kept telling Him that I was absolutely sure that no one would want to read it.  I also tried to tell Him that I don't particularly like the thought of revealing my personal life on the internet.  Neither of those very valid arguments swayed Him in the least, so I finally decided to just obey what I thought He was telling me. And you know what?  It already feels great.

So thanks for reading this, my first ever foray into the blogosphere. :)